Seasonal Reviews

Review: Tengoku Daimakyo Episode 5

Tengoku Daimakyo’s fifth episode pulled us away from the mysteries of the school while also giving us a much-needed insight into Maru’s personality. I am a bit disappointed we didn’t get to see more of the creepy monster babies but at the same time we did get some breadcrumbs and I’ll take it.

Although I had a whole theory about Tokio being Maru’s mother in my previous review, I’m back to questioning myself over that. I can’t quite figure out the time. Ten’ei era lasted from July 1110 to July 1113 – a bit before the events of the apocalypse and tech development. I really hope there is no time travel involved simply because right now I don’t see a point to it.

That said, Tokio is in trouble and the mysterious disease seems to have even the researchers surprised. It also sounded like the children at the facility weren’t born per se, but more like created. As far as Tokio’s disease goes, she either has what Tarao had or she is pregnant (wouldn’t be the first time pregnancy was shown in this way in media). It is plausible that she has Tarao’s disease, especially if it’s airborne. The mention of suicide in the facility was also interesting as the Director and all other employees seem to be quite shaken up about it, with the exception of Mina who isn’t even human but appears to be the true brain of the operation.

Maru got some nice character development in this episode. He is a growing teenage boy and Kiruko seems to be taking on a sibling role in every way. That said, it was heavily hinted that Maru might not be fully human. I’m sure quite a few of us suspected this already, Maru-touch and lack of memories were a good starting point. Hopefully, we will get some answers soon since we are already midway through the season.

Episode 5 of Tengoku Daimakyo is now streaming on Disney+.
© Tengoku Daimakyo Production Committee

Tamara Lazic

Writer at Anime Corner News (former Managing Editor). Loves anime, books and spends way too much time on Genshin Impact.

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Tamara Lazic