The original Bang Brave Bang Bravern TV anime finally released the ending theme song of the series “Soen no Shozo” by Ryota Suzuki and Yohei Azakami who also voice the main characters, Ao Isami and Lewis Smith respectively. Bang Brave Bang Bravern is a mecha anime that premiered on January 18, with Crunchyroll streaming two episodes on the same day. The ending of Bang Bravern can be watched below:
Masami Obari, who is also known for his works such as Angel Blade and Gravion, is directing the series together with studio Cygames Pictures. The series composition is handled by Keigo Koyanagi, while the character designs is designed by Kouichi Motomura based on the original character designs created by Kamokamen.
Other staff working on the anime includes:
The story of Bang Bravern follows the story of Ao Isami, a member of the Japanese Self-Defense Force, and Lewis Smith, a United States Marine Corps member. The two are enemy pilots who met during the battle. The teaser, key visual, and initial cast list were announced in May 2023. The cast includes:
Source: Official X and Official Website
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