Seasonal Reviews

Our Dating Story: The Experienced You and The Inexperienced Me Episode 10 - A Misunderstanding That Cured Old Love

Before I delve deeper into my review of Our Dating Story: The Experienced You and The Inexperienced Me episode 10, I want to mention how the title doesn’t seem to directly involve the main characters, Runa and Ryuto. The events of the episode stressed me out, though it brought happiness to some of the side characters. However, as compared to the last episode, which had me pulling my hair and coughing left and right, episode 10 had a little soft spot that was actually good. I hope the future of the series can bring even more joy to our two main characters, even though the next episode’s preview doesn’t seem promising. But hey, what would I know?

To recap Our Dating Story: The Experienced You and The Inexperienced Me episode 10, it began with Runa and Ryuto walking home from school in the rain. Runa had a lot of insecurities as she expressed her belief that Ryuto would be happier dating Maria. This was because he and Maria shared the same interests, unlike Runa, who was the complete opposite. Consequently, they decided to take a break and shouldn’t contact each other.

Ryuto considered chasing after her but he hesitated, pondering what he would say if she called, so he ultimately stopped. Personally, however, if I were Ryuto, I would chase after her and clear the misunderstanding. I’d say, “No, thank you. I don’t want to date your twin sister. I want you. I want to experience everything with you.” But then again, he’s an awkward teenager, and I’m a college student just watching them navigate their growing issues.

Later, Ryuto was in an awkward situation while cleaning with Nikoru, Runa’s best friend, since he knew that she knew about the issue between him and Runa. Nikoru eventually told him that she thought he would treat Runa better and make her feel happy, but from the looks of it, he didn’t. Later on, Ryuto also ran into one of Runa’s other friends, Akari, who said she wanted to talk to him privately about what she saw. They went to a burger place and talked about how Akari thought Runa had a sugar daddy because she was with an unknown tall guy who looked like a college student. What’s more, Runa had an expensive bag, causing the “sugar daddy” misunderstanding.

Ryuto didn’t believe that Runa would have a sugar daddy, so he decided to call his senpai, Sekiya, whom he met in cram school, for help in finding the identity of the man. It just goes to show how Our Dating Story: The Experienced You and The Inexperienced Me episode 10 highlights Ryuto’s trust in Runa, even though they are in a rough patch in their relationship.

I believe Ryuto is the best because he believes in his girlfriend. I appreciate that he still trusts in her as he has grown to understand her as a person throughout the series. He knows that he shouldn’t follow rumors, but instead go straight to the person. That’s what I like about the show – the character development, demonstrating that you shouldn’t rely on hearsay; instead, go directly to the source.

At the school festival. Ryuto and Sekiya were walking in the hallway when they saw Akari; she freaked out and pointed at Sekiya, saying he was the sugar daddy. This causes Ryuto to freak out, but they clear up the misunderstanding quickly. However, it causes another misunderstanding for Ryuto who then thinks Sekiya was one of Runa’s exes. He didn’t want to meet any exes, but it turns out that Sekiya is actually Nikoru’s. He did indeed meet up with Runa, but not because he was her sugar daddy; Runa wanted Sekiya to surprise Nikoru because they hadn’t seen each other in a while. Nikoru still thinks about him a lot, but he is conflicted about it because he broke up with her very badly.

Ryuto’s friends come to them, saying that Runa and Nikoru are in trouble because some guys are trying to hit on them. Ryuto tells Sekiya to come with him to stop them, though Sekiya doesn’t want to do it at first. They have to see each other at least, so they go. That helps Sekiya and Nikoru rekindle; Seikiya apologizes for being late, but she’s glad he came, with her eyes tearing up. That motivates one of Ryuto’s geek friends, Yuusuke, to confess to Akari because he has feelings for her. He confesses but gets turned down. Runa tells him that Akari is very serious about relationships and wants to be friends with someone first before starting to date, as she has been asked out often due to her looks.

You know, I understand Akari’s situation and why she turned down Yuusuke. People keep asking her out based on her looks without trying to build a friendship first. It’s frustrating how many guys ask out girls or vice versa without getting to know the person and establishing a strong relationship. So, I understand why she turned him down, and I hope that they can build their relationship in the series without making things awkward. This would demonstrate character development not only for Akari and Yuusuke, but also for other characters in the show. That’s what I really appreciate – the presence of character development for various characters, not just the main ones. If they don’t, I’ll cry.

Later on, Ryuto and his two friends talk about how Ryuto was their star because he got a girl to like him. This prompts Ryuto to go find Runa on one of the classroom balconies. Runa tells him that it was good that Ryuto knew Sekiya because this wouldn’t have happened otherwise. He insists that she shouldn’t give him all the credit, as she was the one who talked to Sekiya to surprise Nikoru. They take a moment to reflect on how life and youth are short. Ryuto confesses that life is short, but at the same time, it is long. He wishes that him and Runa stay be together for a very long time, and that’s how Our Dating Story: The Experienced You and The Inexperienced Me episode 10 ends.

Overall, Our Dating Story: The Experienced You and The Inexperienced Me episode 10 was okay. It was cute that the characters found happiness through their relationships, but there are still some small misunderstandings about each other’s feelings with the main characters. It makes me sad that the next episode seems like it’s going to be a breakup episode, and I’m going to stress out so much about it. However, this episode was cute in a way that things do happen, and sometimes a misunderstanding can be a good thing. But, at the same time, misunderstandings can also be very detrimental to people’s relationships.

I give Our Dating Story: The Experienced You and The Inexperienced Me episode 10 a 8/10.

Screenshots via Crunchyroll
© Makiko Nagaoka, magako / KADOKAWA / Kimizero Production Committee

Andrea Tran

Silly girl that loves fictional men and strawberry uncrustables ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚