The franchise based on the manga written and illustrated by Reiji Miyajima, Kanojo, Okarishimasu (or KanoKari for short), and the Japanese chain store Don Quijote Co. recently had a collaboration event. Moreover, it kicked off in all of the chain’s stores in Japan on September 5, and included limited-edition products inspired by the girls of the series in racing outfits.
All of the products sold out except the ones based on the character Nanami Mami. The reason is likely the fact that many fans disliked her character in both the manga and anime. Of course, images quickly came from the scenes, where you can see that only Mami’s image was not crossed out. It means all the others sold out.
The series of products on sale were:
The event lasts until the stock runs out. If you are not in Japan but are fine with just looking at images and being sad, you can also check out a Konosuba event that’s currently ongoing. Kanojo, Okarishimasu has been serialized in Kodansha’s Weekly Shōnen Magazine since July 2017. Both its manga and anime adaptations are currently ongoing.
[Source: Official product page, Official Donki Twitter
Thumbnail: Crunchyroll stream]