A full-sized Mecha-Ude: Mechanical Arms anime is in the works, as announced by Pony Canyon. TriF Studio will be animating the series. The preview of the anime was released in 2018 and although it was self-produced it gained quite a following. A video on the production team is now available:
The anime staff includes:
The story of the anime revolves around two young people. Hikaru has been enjoying his normal school days in middle school and Alma is a Mecha-Ude Wielder who can be activated when he is attached to human beings. The two meet and their journey begins…
In addition to the anime, Mecha-Ude: Mechanical Arms is also getting a manga, which will be serialized on LINE Manga and ebookjapan bi-weekly. Yoshino Koyoka, known for Aria the secret Ammo, will be illustrating the story, which will be supervised by TriF Studio. A promotional video for the manga is available:
Mecha-Ude is an original animation created and directed by Okamoto, who is a member of the TriF Studio. She also directed the 2018 short with TriF, which consists of students and volunteers in Fukuoka, after a crowdfunding campaign, which nearly $67,000 in less than 2 months. Eve performed the opening theme song for the short – “Ambivalent” and AZLiGHTZ performed the ending theme “Alone”. The cast included:
Source: Press Release, TriF Studio Channel
© TriF/ “Mecha-Ude” Production Committee