All the relevant manga news. To include only articles that cover news related to manga, such as anime adaptations, new volume information, chapter delays, etc.
News under this category will always be verified and have the source at the bottom.
All the relevant manga news. To include only articles that cover news related to manga, such as anime adaptations, new volume information, chapter delays, etc.
News under this category will always be verified and have the source at the bottom.
The crossover between Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) and Naruto is coming to an…
ONE PIECE is getting closer and closer to the endgame, and the manga has revealed…
Kadokawa's best-selling series from its productions and rights licensing from April to December 2024…
MF Ghost manga ended today, while Season 3 of the anime revealed a 2026 release…
Dark Horse Comics announced the release of Takaya Imamura's (Star Fox, F-Zero, The Legend…
In a recent interview, Dandadan creator Yukinobu Tatsu revealed his deep attachment to Momo…
Hiro Fujiwara, the creator of the popular Maid Sama manga series, has returned with…
Fans of Maid Sama have some exciting news after all this time! To celebrate…
VIZ Media announced 5 new English licenses for Fall 2025, including the best-selling manga…
Kingdom, one of the best-selling Japanese manga of all time, is finally getting an…