Home Anime Corner Community

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Participate in Community Events

We have community events almost every week, and we give tons of freebies and prizes!

Meet the Community

Hang out with people with the same passions (or interests) as you on our text and voice chats.

More than 300,000 members are waiting for you!

Community Rules

There are currently two community groups, one on Facebook and one on Discord. The following rules apply to both groups.

  1. You must comply with the platform’s Terms of Service.
  2. You must be respectful.
  3. You must at all costs avoid toxicity.
  4. You should avoid posting any content that is NSFW.
  5. You must not spam in any way.
  6. You must not promote other platforms.
  7. You should deliver content via their respective channels
  8. You must always speak English.
  9. You must follow all additional rules in the respective community groups.