The ongoing anime adaptation of Uncle From Another World (Isekai Ojisan) will be facing broadcast delays due to a COVID-19 outbreak at Atelier Pontdarc, the animation studio behind the series. According to the official website for the anime, employees will continue to work on it with the health and safety of all staff members involved in mind.
Atelier Pontdarc has also released an updated broadcast schedule for the anime following the delays:
Broadcast schedules for September will be made soon on the anime’s official website and Twitter account. Preview for episode 4 of Uncle From Another World has just been released, and you can check out the teaser here:
Shigeki Kawai is directing the anime, while Kenta Ihara is doing the series’ composition. Meanwhile, Kazuhiro Oota serves as the chief animation director and character designer. The anime is based on a manga series by Hotondoshindeiru. It started serialization on Kadokawa Shoten’s ComicWalker in June 2018.
Yen Press has licensed the English version of the manga, describing the plot as:
Seventeen years ago, Takafumi’s uncle fell into a coma, but now he’s back like a man risen from his grave. Soon, Takafumi discovers two bizarre things: His uncle treasures video games above all else, and, while comatose, he was actually transported to another world as some heroic guardian! Now, not only does Takafumi have to room with an uncle who is literally magical, he also has to catch the guy up on two decades of history—smartphones, high-speed internet, modern anime tropes…and the traumatic outcome of the ’90s console war!
Source: Official Website
©Hotondoshindeiru/KADOKAWA / Isekai Ojisan Production Committee