Arcane Season 2, the animated television series set in the the popular MOBA game League of Legends universe, has received the first look trailer and 2024 release date by Netflix. The first part had 3 arcs with a total of 9 episodes, each lasting about 40 minutes. Watch the new video for the 2nd season:
The Arcane animated series was first announced at the League of Legends 10th Anniversary celebration, and is developed and produced by Riot. Fortiche Productions is in charge of the animation, and they’ve worked on cinematics for League of Legends before. Some of their works are GET JINXED (Jinx), POP/STARS (Ahri, Akali, Evelynn, Kai’Sa). They also did RISE for Worlds 2018 and WARRIORS for Worlds 2014. The first season of the animated series had incredible animation and production value, and we can only wish the sequel retains the quality.
Set in the past, Arcane retells the origin stories of several League of Legends characters from Piltover and Zaun. Namely, we watched Vi and Jinx as the main characters, with Jayce, Victor, Caitlyn, Ekko being some of the more important characters as well. The English voice cast includes:
Source: Netflix YouTube
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