The original TV anime Gekkan Moso Kagaku (Monthly Moso Science), written by Ichigo Umatani and directed by Team Yoshioka at studio OLM, will premiere in January 2024. The anime’s main cast and staff have been unveiled alongside the first trailer, which you can watch below:
The original story follows the adventures of a small publishing company behind the “Monthly Moso Science” magazine, which covers articles about paranormal phenomena. One day, a scientist named Goro visits the editorial department, and the entire team become involved in an incident that even science can’t explain.
The main cast for Monthly Moso Science has also been announced:
Akane Hirota, the chief animation director for Komi Can’t Communicate, leads the character design, while Hiroko Kanasugi of Drug Store in Another World – The Slow Life of a Cheat Pharmacist supervises the series scripts. Other staff for Monthly Moso Science includes:
Source: Official Website, Comic Natalie
© Ichigo Umatani / Mo Production Committee