The MediBang Manga Comic Bundle has over 100 titles up for grabs. This bundle spans a total of 9,000 pages varying of fiction and non-fiction content.
Attention Manga readers! MediBang has partnered with e-Commerce website Fanatical to make a manga library accessible to the public.
Here’s a list of the manga titles included in the bundle:
Given these points, the bundle has four tiers for a variety of manga readers. Not only this bundle caters to those who want to start reading manga, but also to the committed readers. Furthermore, the comics in the MediBang bundle are multi-format and DRM-free.
Moreover, the MediBang Manga Comic Bundle is available from March 31 to April 28, 2021 only. Visit the website for more information on how to purchase.
MediBang Global Distribution is currently partnered with over 30 publishers. It also handles the localization and distribution of their products for the English-speaking market.
MediBang also operates the illustration and manga submission site ArtStreet. Likewise, MediBang owns the MediBang Paint applications which has been downloaded 52 million times.
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