Pon no Michi, an original anime by Studio OLM, released another character trailer, focusing on the reliable Izumi Tokutomi. Izumi, together with Nashiko, who was previously introduced in the second character trailer, spends most of her days playing, drinking tea, and cooking in the mahjong parlor that Nashiko’s father owns. Tatsuma Minamikawa, who previously worked on series such as Fire Force Season 2 and The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess, will direct the anime. Negi Haruba, known for The Quintessential Quintuplets series, is in charge of the original character design. The Pon no Michi original anime will start broadcasting in January 2024.
Shion Wakayama voices Izumi in the Pon no Michi anime. The cast also includes:
Emi Kadono is in charge of color design, and Kenji Ota is in charge of adapting the character designs for the anime. Takahashi Go is the sound director with Scott MacDonald is the art director. Kana Nakada will perform the opening theme song titled “Ponpopopon” together with the cast of the anime which they call the Pon no Michi All-Stars.
The official website of Pon no Michi describes the plot as:
Set in the picturesque streets, historic shrines and temples, beautiful sea, and rich nature of Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture, the characters’ slow but sparkling days begin.
Source: Official Website
©IIS-P /Pon no Michi Production Committee