The Mirage QUEEN Vacances Elegantes anime movie revealed a new visual and trailer, along with the main voice cast and May 3, 2025 premiere date. The anime previously shared a ‘super teaser visual.’ The anime is based on the novels by Kaoru Hayamine, which have illustrations by K2 SHOUKAI.
EAST FISH STUDIO is again animating, with the main voice cast also returning from the first movie. Cocomi and her character are a new addition.
- Yuga Yamato as Queen
- Kazuki Kato as Joker
- Yuma Uchida as RD
- Cocomi as Ilma
You can watch the trailer below.
The Mirage QUEEN Vacances Elegantes anime movie’s staff has Shigetaka Ikeda as the director, with character designs by Kumiko Kawashima and Music by Moe Hyuga.
Kodansha published fifteen volumes of the novels since March 2002 under their Aoitori Bunko children’s imprint. The first novel, Mirage QUEEN Prefers Circus (Kaito Queen wa Circus ga Osuki), received a 60-minute theatrical OVA by EAST FISH STUDIO in June 2022.
HIDIVE is streaming the OVA, describing its story:
They always steal the prey they aim for. That is Phantom Thief QUEEN. Gender, age, nationality unknown. Together with their partner they travel around the world on the airship Troubadour. This time, the QUEEN is aiming for a cursed jewel, the legendary Rose of Linden. A hypnotist, an acrobat, a magician…the talented circus members challenge the QUEEN! To get back the jewel, the QUEEN stands up to the challenge in a bold and brilliant way (or disguise). Nothing is impossible for the QUEEN!
Source: Official Website
©Kaoru Hayamine, K2 Shoukai, KODANSHA / Mirage QUEEN Production Committee
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