Alma-chan Wants to Have a Family is getting a TV anime adaptation, with the main staff revealed. Studio Flad will be in charge of the animation production, while the main staff includes Yasuhiro Minami as director, Mika Yamamoto as the character designer, and Yukie Sugawara in charge of the series composition.
You can see the anime commemoration illustration by the author Nanateru below.
Nanateru began the Alma-chan Wants to Have a Family (Shojo-gata Heiki (Aruma-chan) wa Kazoku ni Naritai)) manga in July 2021. It was serialized on Kadokawa Shoten’s Comic Newtype website until February 2024, with a total of 3 compilation volumes. A sequel manga titled Alma-chan Wants to Have a Family Z began serialization on the same website in July 2024.
The story follows the “girl-type” weapon Alma-chan and the two genius scientists who created her, Enji Kamisato and Suzume Yobane.
A voiced trailer was released for the manga in 2022, in which Manaka Iwami voiced the titular Alma. You can check it out below.
Source: Alma-chan Wants to Have a Family Official Website
©Nanateru / KADOKAWA / Kamisato & Yobane Research Institute
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