KonoSuba season 3 episode 11 aired this week, and we didn’t get a dragon. There was a dragon in the intro, but no dragon in the show; in the business world, that’s called false advertising.
To the Rescue!
Two billion dollars—that’s what Lalatina and her family owe. And that’s what Kazuma has to pay to get her back. For the average peasant who will never have more than $2500 in their bank account (self-deprecating joke right there), let me put that amount into perspective. Take a one-dollar coin or note out of your pocket; now do it 999,999,999 times more. That’s a lot of cash. Isn’t it?
Luckily for Kazuma, that’s exactly what he has. Still, Lalatina is having none of it, blatantly disrespecting the hero who’s there to woo her by asking him where the money came from. Honestly, that’s a question that should never be asked. Always err on the side of plausible deniability. If you ask and you’re told, and you don’t rat out, you’re an accomplice. If you squeal, you’re a snitch. And no one likes those.
However, the money’s clean, and with it, he coaxes Lord Aldarp to exchange for Lalatina, but not really. Lord Plump still wants her. So, they have to flee, and they have to flee fast. Kazuma does the only reasonable thing in this situation. He Bridal carries Darkness to the door, where they’re swarmed by security, and Lalatina busts into a brawl. But they manage to get through them with a little deception, only to be stopped by an absolute unit of a guard. Yet, when all seems lost, when it’s looking as bleak as when your bowls are playing peek-a-poop, and you’re stuck in a traffic jam, our favorite Crimson Demon duo comes to save the day.
What do you get when you cross a black metal fan with the IRA? A loli that wants to blow up a church. Lord Aldarp, in his infinite wisdom, decides to call her mendacious, a mythomaniac, a charlatan, if you will. No way would she blow her load in public. But hubris is the enemy of man, and without a shred of shame, Megumin unloads all over Axel. That, plus some pro-footballer moves carried out by the town’s adventurers, allows the KonoSuba gang to escape to the Dustiness-Ford manor.
Aqua Ain’t Useless
I’ve always believed that Aqua is way more handy than people make her out to be, and she proved that with flying colors in this season’s final episode. When Lalatina’s dad looks like he’s giving up the ghost, she just casually breaks a curse affecting him and cures him. But how did the curse get there? Remember those Divine Treasures poor Chris kept getting molested over? Well, Lord Chunk has one of them and a particularly nasty one. It summons a demon to do his bidding and rewrite things to fit his narrative.
The thing with Faustian pacts is that you need to tailor them to a T. Any wiggle room, vagueness, or open endedness will come back to bite you. And as Vanir tricks Lord 2 Chunk 2 Wide and gets him to release his summoned demon from the contract it was in, Lord Aldarp finally gets his comeuppance. I don’t want to give that guy the time it takes to write about him, so just know he’s actually bald and most likely dead.
KonoSuba Season 3 Episode 11: Wrap-Up & Final Comments
As the third season of KonoSuba comes to a close, it reminds us how important it is to have people who allow you to mess up. As Lalatina stumbled back to Kazuma’s mansion, her tail tucked between her legs, she expected a dressing down. However, it’s nothing but love and open arms when she gets there again; she doesn’t need to be welcomed back; she never left the party in the first place.
As the joyous reunion continues, she casually mentions that Kazuma will receive his 2 billion dollars back. The poor dude doesn’t even have time to register that before Aqua and Megumin pounce on him with gold-digger-like behavior. Or, as the youth of today call it, “dating in modern times.” As Lalatina is welcomed home, we get a flash forward to the guild, and all’s well in the KonoSuba world again.
It took 7 years to get a third season; hopefully, it doesn’t take another 7 because I’d like to be here covering it again, and 7 years from now is way past my expiration date. Some shows are special because they’re grand, and some because they are consistent. Anyone can dazzle you, but few can constantly entertain you, and KonoSuba is a master at the craft of entertainment. It’s common for sequels to fall short of the original; here, every season that followed the first has built upon the previous one, and that’s high praise.
Studio Drive nailed the expressions of this show; the disgust on Aqua and Meguimin‘s face during the final credits when Darkness tells them she was willing to toss Kazuma’s hotdog down her alley was glorious. The voice work of this show is second to none, in my opinion, You have to love a show where you can audibly hear the VAs trying not to laugh. As always, thanks for reading. Hopefully, we will see each other again one day.
Screenshots via Crunchyroll
© Natsume Akatsuki, Kurone Mishima / KADOKAWA / KonoSuba Production Committee
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