Home Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland Gets Anime Movie by P.A. Works

Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland Gets Anime Movie by P.A. Works

Alice in Wonderland is getting an anime movie adaptation titled Alice in Wonderland: Dive in Wonderland, with the release date in Japan set for August 29. Studio P.A. Works is in charge of the animation, with Toshiya Shinohara as the director and Yuko Kakihara in charge of the script.

You can watch the announcement trailer below.

Alice in Wonderland: Dive in Wonderland – Anime Movie Announcement Trailer

Maika Pugh will voice Alice, with Nanoka Hara (Suzume Iwato in Suzume) as Rise. You can see the two in the teaser visual below.

Alice in Wonderland: Dive in Wonderland – Anime Movie Teaser Visual

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was written by Lewis Carroll, whose real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, and it was first published on July 4, 1865. Today it is known as one of the greatest works of fantasy literature.

Carroll was a mathematician and logician, and he wrote the story for Alice Liddell, the young daughter of a family friend, during a boat trip in 1862. The story later became the full-length novel that has since become a cultural classic.

The story follows a young girl named Alice as she falls down a rabbit hole (yes that’s also where the phrase we use today came from) into the whimsical world known as Wonderland. Since then, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland has been adapted into many different forms of media. It inspired Disney’s 1951 animated classic most people know today, Tim Burton’s 2010 live-action reimagining, ballets, operas, video games, and theater productions.

Source: Alice in Wonderland: Dive in Wonderland Official Website
© Alice in Wonderland: Dive in Wonderland Production Committee

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