Home My Deer Friend Nokotan Episode 10 - Allergies Suck

My Deer Friend Nokotan Episode 10 - Allergies Suck

Everyone likes relatable things; I’m no exception. And as someone who’s had a rough time due to allergies, My Deer Friend Nokotan episode 10 was humor perfection.

More Cherry Blossoms, Less Grinds

I believe one needs to spend less time chasing promotions and more time chasing rainbows. Devoting yourself to the grind doesn’t indicate you’re a hard worker. It shows a lack of imagination. If you think the only way to your dreams is overtime, sacrifices, and breaking your back, that’s not something you should get praised over. That’s a dead giveaway you have a very limited view of the world. And unfortunately, Koshitan pushes herself way too hard for her own good.

So, seeing her eyes light up as she enjoys a moment of tranquility when she stares at cheery blossoms is invigorating. That girl needs to relax. If she’d accepted her delinquency, she would be so much fun to be around. But that’s just my musing, and I have a penchant for tomboys and girls who are into criminality. Sadly, Koshitan didn’t enjoy that view for long; the ills of spring got her down. Or rather, the ills of spring brought Nokotan down. Koshitan was collateral damage.

My Deer Friend Nokotan Episode 10: The Ills of Spring

I’m not a fan of spring; everything starts to warm up, the ground is mushy, and pollen pesters my soul. Nokotan understands my pain. With half the episode focused on our favorite deer dealing with springtime allergies, we got an episode that hit a little too close to home for some of us.

For one, I pride myself on my curiosity. So, when Nokotan was dying over cedar pollen, I rushed to my browser to check if deer can really be allergic to pollen. I was flabbergasted to find out that they can. The more I think about that, the more it ruffles my feathers. But that makes it easier to understand Nokotan’s frustration in wanting to burn everything down to the ground. That’s a sentiment I get at least 20 times a week.

There’s not much I’m fond of in this life. But seeing a cute anime girl/deer have a full-on meltdown over Pollen to the point she summons deer and calls for the world to end was perfection. To some people, that scene was nothing but a cringe joke. But, personally, when my time comes and my life flashes before my eyes, I want that to be one of the last things I see.

Rice Paddies and Flower Arranging

It’s safe to say we’ve settled into slice-of-life territory this far into the show. With off-brand humor and random scenarios like a rice patty getting planted and Nokotan straying into a different club, we’re probably not getting any major deviations in the next few episodes. Whether or not that’s a bad thing is completely dependent on the viewer.

I agree that jumping from gag to gag without any semblance of an overall plot may bore some people. But to call it uninspired is just insulting. Not everyone wants over-the-top shows. I, for one, prefer to watch a show where I can sit back, relax, and enjoy a few laughs instead of being bombarded by action every other minute.

Every show you watch can teach you a lesson, or inspire you to do some good. What lesson does My Deer Friend Nokotan episode 10 teach us? It teaches us that deer aren’t all that different from us. At the end of the day, we love the same things and have the same allergies. I suppose there’s something special in that.

Screenshots via Crunchyroll
© Oshioshio, Kodansha / Hino Minami High School Deer Club

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