The upcoming TV anime Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement revealed its first teaser preview on Tuesday. The protagonist Mitsuha Yamano (voiced by Rika Nagae) can be heard in the teaser video and the anime is set to premiere in January 2023.
The series previously announced a teaser visual. Studio Felix Film is animating the series with Hiroshi Tamadaas the director Inari Akihiko is in charge of writing the script and Yuki Fukuchi on character designs. The TV anime is adapted from the light novel written by FUNA and illustrated by Tozai. It was originally published on the Shosetsuka ni Naro website and later picked up by Kodansha. Keisuke Motoe is illustrating the manga adaptation.
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Kodansha US is set to publish the manga in English and describes the story as:
After growing up an orphan, Mitsuha has a healthy respect for money and a desire to live well—at least, until she dies after being pushed off a cliff. Waking up in a strange fantasy world, Mitsuha narrowly survives an encounter with a pack of wolves, then realizes she has the power to move between this world and the real one. A lesser person might embark on heroic adventures—Mitsuha instead immediately recognizes the lucrative possibilities of her new situation and heads out to buy an arsenal of modern weapons. Her goal: to acquire 80,000 gold, and the life of leisure she’s always dreamed of! The manga companion to the popular light novel series, also coming soon from Kodansha!
Source: Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement Official Twitter
© FUNA / Kodansha / Rokin Production Committee
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