Home Sword Art Online: Fractured Daydream Introduces Quality of Life Improvements in New Update

Sword Art Online: Fractured Daydream Introduces Quality of Life Improvements in New Update

The first big update for Sword Art Online: Fractured Daydream game is here and with it are the quality-of-life improvements many players have been asking for. The biggest change in the version is the level cap increase for players: from 100 to 130, the addition of new Co-op Quests and Boss Raids, and three new playable characters, one of which (Fuuka) can be unlocked instantly after completing the main World Quest.

Players can now earn Player Rank EXP by clearing new Daily and Weekly Challenges, which have been adjusted to be more player-friendly (for example, the number of required Boss Raids and Co-op Quests has been lowered to 5 from 15, number of enemies required to kill from 500 to 100, etc.). Three additional stories were added alongside many cosmetics that can be earned as drops. Character movement speed for certain characters (such as Agil) was improved and so were the passives. The update also brought a number of bug fixes related to characters and in-game mechanics.

A second DLC, titled Worlds Beyond: The Demon King, is coming late this year. It will bring two new playable characters: Pitohui and M, costumes and weapons for additional characters, as well as new additional scenarios.

Players who look to complete the Challenges for SAO Tickets probably noticed by now that the number of obtainable tickets is down by one. The cosmetics bundles still cost 2 tickets on average.

A full list of patch notes can be found here.
©Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.

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