Hidarikiki no Eren (Eren the Southpaw) is getting an anime adaptation, as announced by the original author Kappy on Twitter. The slice-of-life series follows two artists as they face daily life struggles.
In the announcement tweet, Kappy says that the work is dedicated to everyone who couldn’t become a genius. No further details have been announced, but the author promises to keep the followers updated:
The manga was serialized digitally on Shueisha’s Shounen Jump + service from 2017 to 2022. It ended with a total of 206 chapters, compiled into 42 volumes. Eren the Southpaw originally started as a webcomic on the cakes web manga platform by Kappy, who wrote the story and did the art. Nifuni illustrated the work after it got picked up by Shueisha. Shihei Lin, known as the editor of Chainsaw Man and Spy x Family, also edited Eren the Southpaw manga,
The plot follows Koichi Asakura who spends his days working as a designer in a marketing agency. He works very hard, but he doesn’t feel recognized in his daily life. To find himself he decides to go on a journey to a meaningful place from his past. On the other side is Eren Yamagishi, a talented painter who lives and works in New York. In spite of her talent which surpasses the level of genius, Eren, known as Southpaw, finds herself suffering because she is often misunderstood. How will these two stories connect and where will life take Eren and Koichi?
Source: Kappy’s Official Twitter
©Kappy, Nifumi/Shueisha
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