Home DanMachi Season 4 Episode 7 - Cassandra's Horrific New Vision

DanMachi Season 4 Episode 7 - Cassandra's Horrific New Vision

Episode 7 of DanMachi Season 4 aired on Saturday kickstarting the hunt for Ryu. And it seems like the season is taking a more exciting turn that begins to tug at the emotional conflict riding on this situation unlike the previous one with Moss Huge. This episode became a setup for another “Should we have listened to Cassandra or not?” moment. And so far, everyone but Bell seems to be on board with Cassandra’s suggestions…for once.

Cassandra’s Visions

Of course, Cassandra’s clairvoyance is nothing unusual at this point. She had the premonition of Moss Huge at the very beginning of the season, which ended up with everyone being okay. but this time around things hit different for Cassandra and I sort of started to get that feeling, for once, that this is something a lot more serious. It’s a nice change of pace seeing everyone starting to listen to Cassandra, even though they brushed her aside at first about hunting down Ryu. But where’s the depth?

If this cycle of her constantly reminding everyone not to do something becomes extremely repetitive, it’ll put a damper on a season where a lot is actually happening. Now, with plenty of episodes to go there’s so much more that’s going to happen. But when she confronted everyone before going on this hunt for Ryu, it just hits you with a “Didn’t we just do this 6 episodes ago?”

But, as I said, having the focus being on Ryu literally slaughtering everyone does make the concern a lot more jarring leaving me eager to see what continues to happen. Unlike the whole Moss Huge situation where it practically became a snore-fest halfway through because we knew that early in the season nothing drastic would happen to anyone in the main group.

Great Set-Up

I will give props, however, to the episode’s ability to really make me feel how Cassandra also feels throughout the entire episode. With the constant reminder everyone was heading to their own slaughter, it’s like I wanted to see subtle changes in every direction possible to avoid what could be the inevitable just as Cassandra does. And with each person that agreed with her, that sigh of relief took over me as well.

The season so far has done wonders for her character. And despite her being the shy and reserved character of the party, which is unusually full of outgoing personalities, it’s nice to see her finally grab some attention from everyone thanks to her incredible ability, one that even Miach praises her for in the episode and how not even the gods can do what she does. And it ultimately gives Cassandra’s character that leg up she needs.

Episode 7 Wrap Up

Overall, the episode was fine. Bell’s concern and determination to prove Ryu’s innocence was portrayed many times. The duality of his party wanting to prove her innocence while simultaneously joining the mob that wants to kill her makes for possible external conflicts that could create some shocking moments. And in the end, it’s a set-up episode that did its job perfectly by making me excited for what’s to come in the next episode.

Plus, I’m sure a select group of viewers enjoyed the Cassandra fan service at the beginning of the episode, considering her usually reserved dress-up every time she’s on the screen.

Episode 8 of DanMachi Season 4 will air on Thursday, September 8, on HIDIVE. Make sure to vote for DanMachi Season 4 episode 7 in our weekly poll to keep the series in the top 10!

Screenshots from HIDIVE
©Fujino Omori, SB Creative/Danmachi 4 Production Committee

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