Someone once mentioned that an anime or manga’s success is tied more closely to the quality of its waifus than the quality of its story. Whether or not that’s completely true is beyond the scope of this article. But one thing that can be debated is that hot waifus move merch! And the Japanese retailed Don Quijote embraces that time-tested fact. With the newly announced Don Quijote x Chained Soldier collab, you can get limited edition merch of your favorite Chained Soldier waifu in an even cuter (spelled skimpier) outfit.
And that’s as awesome as seeing the sunset over a beautiful beach. It’s the kind of thing that makes your soul feel all fuwa fuwa. But you have to get there fast, as the March 23rd in-store sale will have a limited number of items. While online sales begin March 30th.
Purchased at random, patrons can buy multiple items, such as;
– Acrylic stands at ¥2200 (~15 USD)
– Acrylic keychains are ¥858 (~6 USD).
– Clear Files @ ¥1350 (~9 USD)
– Posters @ ¥1650 (~11 USD)
Airing as one of the two uncensored seasonal simulcasts on HIDIVE. After mysterious portals open across Japan and allow monsters named “Shuuki” to travel from the alternate dimension of Mato, the Anti-Demon Corps is established to fight against humanity’s newest threat. But as normal weapons prove to be of little use, the power of Mato fruits is used, which gives women supernatural abilities and allows them to battle the Shuuki.
One day, a male high school student named Yuuki Wakura finds himself trapped in Mato. In a life-and-death situation, under the command of the Anti-Demon Corps’ 7th Unit Commander Kyouka Uzen, he accepts to be her slave and transforms into a monster who helps the Anto-Demon Corps fight the Shuuki. But every time he transforms, he requires payment for his actions.
And, to his luck, most of the payments are a pervert’s dream. And as he helps the 7th Unit defeat the Shuuki, he delves deeper into depravity. A depravity he’s all too happy to indulge in. And if you want in on that depravity, be sure to check out the newly announced Don Quijote x Chained Soldier Collab! Not sure whether to check out the show? Read our weekly recaps to see if its for you!
Source: Offical Don Quijote Website
© Takahiro / Yohei Takemura / Shueisha / Magic Defense Corps Public Relations Departmen
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