Shabake, the historical fantasy novel series by Megumi Hatanaka and Yu Shibata announced a TV anime adaptation for 2025 release. Studio Bandai Namco Pictures (BN Pictures) will be in charge of the animation, with Takahiro Okawa as the director.
Daiki Yamashita will voice the protagonist Ichitaro. You can hear him in the teaser trailer for the anime below.
Including the director Okawa, the anime staff for Shabake includes:
- Director: Takahiro Okawa
- Series Composition: Toko Machida
- Character Design: Akari Minagawa
- Music: Ishizuka Rei
- Studio: BN Pictures
You can see the teaser visual for the anime below.
Shabake has been published by Shinchosha since December 2001, with a total of 23 volumes being released as of July 2024. Megumi Hatanaka writes the novels, while Yu Shibata provides the illustrations. There is also a manga adaptation by Mimori, which was serialized in Shinchosha’s Monthly Comic Bunch magazine from January 2017 to March 2023.
The story is set in Edo. Ichitaro is the young master of Nagasakiyama, one of Nihonbashi’s most prominent shops. He has been sickly since birth and so he is always protected by spirits. One night, he sneaks out and witnesses a murder. After that day, a series of bizarre murders start happening throughout Edo, and Ichitaro sets out to uncover the culprit with the help of the spirits.
Studio BN Pictures also has the Rock is a Lady’s Modesty in production, which is set for Spring 2025.
Source: Official Website
©Hatanaka Megumi, Shinchosha / “Shabake” Anime Production Committee
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