Home Lycoris Recoil Episode 5 - Chisato's Past Continues to Unfold

Lycoris Recoil Episode 5 - Chisato's Past Continues to Unfold

Lycoris Recoil episode 5 delivered some wild twists and more action as our favorite Lycoris agents continue to provide us an exciting series. As plot lines continue to cross paths with one another, the series still hasn’t skipped a beat after the first five episodes. Now, as anticipated, the layers of Chisato’s mysterious past are beginning to peel back in a perfect way. And even more so, her past looks like it’s becoming a key piece in the overall story of Lyrocis Recoil.

Chisato – A Complex Character

Learning that Chisato’s heart is 100% artificial was a nice little sci-fi twist in this episode. It’s pretty much established that this world takes place in the future and little tidbits like this remind us of that. But Chisato, the one Lycoris agent who refuses to kill anybody and has an artificial heart, seems to have the biggest heart of them all.

Her constant resolve to never kill someone has yet to waver even under extreme circumstances. And the fact the one character in the entire series without a real heart can touch the hearts of everyone else on different levels is actually telling of how complex of a character Chisato is becoming with each episode.

Now her past with the secretive Alan Institue is what all of our attention is on going forward regarding Chisato. However, there was one moment in the episode that caught my attention the most–when Matsushita tells Chisato that the “person” he knows working on the Enkuboku Tower is “leaving behind something splendid for the future”. Chisato lets him know that she’ll be his guide again when it’s completely built followed by a long pause to which he said, “Yes. I will ask you again… You are an amazing guide.”

However, the way the voice behind Matsushita reacted when Chisato told him she doesn’t want to take a life was one of complete shock. Almost as if the person pulling the strings the entire episode knew exactly how Chisato used to be like and what her life mission was supposed to be. And as we see the person with the same pin on his lapel as the one on her necklace at the end of the episode, everything starts to make more sense little by little. But it’s the way Lycoris Recoil doesn’t give us enough to come to an answer so early on is credited to Shingo Adachi’s direction and creator Asaura’s writing.

Putting the Pieces Together

There are a lot of moving pieces in Lycoris Recoil so it’s best to try putting them all together in the simplest ways. We have the DA with Lycoris agents on one side, Roboto and Majima on the other, and now the Alan Institute is coming into play with Yoshi at the head of it. And it seems like Enkuboku Tower, which we were introduced to in episode 1, seems to be a bigger focus than we may think. But most importantly to note is when different agendas clash in a series, that’s when more conflict arises.

But as stated before, the series continues to give us just enough information to guess what may happen, but not nearly enough to even be in the ballpark. There are a lot of people pulling a lot of strings and it’s too soon to know who really is the one that has had their hand in everything since the very beginning. But the way Lycoris Recoil continues to milk that mystery is one of the many reasons why the series has been damn-near perfect.

Lycoris Recoil Episode 4 Wrap-Up

Episode 5 of Lycoris Recoil was rather plot-heavy despite its hard-hitting action towards the end. But I’ve been saying all along the plot has been intricate since the first episode. But now a new party, the Allan Institute (headed by Yoshi), is in play and things are about to get much more serious. And if there’s anything that episode 5 taught us, it’s that Lycoris Recoil can be extremely gruesome.

Episode 6 of Lycoris Recoil will air on Saturday, August 6, exclusively on Crunchyroll.

Screenshots: Crunchyroll
© Spider Lily / Aniplex / ABC Animation / BS11

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