Home Mieruko-chan TikTok Collaboration with JP TikToker

Mieruko-chan TikTok Collaboration with JP TikToker

The TV Anime Mieruko-chan collaborated with a popular Japanese TikToker Yuraneko, who has 1.2 million followers on the platform. She posted the dance with the anime’s ED theme song, Mitane? Mitayone?? Miteruyone???. She also choreographed the movements by herself, which is her first experience that she has long aspired to do. In addition, she said in a tweet that she was really glad to work on with her long-time favorite thing, anime.

Mieruko-chan TikTok Collaboration with Yuraneko

You can also watch the dance below:


#見える子ちゃん のEDテーマの振り付けさせて頂きました!初の振り付け!沢山踊ってください⸜❤︎⸝‍KADOKAWAさんのYouTubeにレクチャー動画アップされてます!#振り付け #踊ってみた

♬ TVアニメ見える子ちゃんEDテーマ – 「見える子ちゃん」公式【好評放送中👁👁】

Mieruko-chan TikTok Dance Lecture

Besides, Kadokawa posted a video of the TikToker’s lectures on the dance.

In the meantime, Mieruko-chan opened their own account on the platform, the official Twitter account of the anime announced. As of October 21, one video is available, the anime’s ED video with lyrics. Also check that out:


Izumi Tomoki’s Mieruko-chan first launched in Comic Walker in 2018, while they released its 6th compiled volume on October 22, 2021. What’s more, the series received an anime adaptation and it is currently airing this season. You can follow the anime on Funimation.

The official English publisher for the manga series, Yen Press describes the plot of Volume 1 as:

A normal girl was living a normal life-until she wasn’t.
One day, she could see…everything. What’s a girl to do when hideous monsters appear no matter which way she turns?
And on top of that, nobody else can see them!Obviously, there’s only one thing that makes sense-ignore them.
Kinda hard to put theory into practice, though, whenthe ghosts know she’s watching…

Yen Press

Source: Official TikTok, Official Twitter, Official Twitter, Official Website


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