My Hero Academia: Vigilantes has introduced the main voice cast in a new official teaser trailer, with the spin-off anime set to premiere on April 7. The anime was announced in December last year at Jump Festa. Just like with the main My Hero Academia anime adaptation, studio BONES is in charge of the animation.
The main voice cast consists of:
- Shuichiro Umeda as Koichi Haimawari
- Ikumi Hasegawa as Pop☆Step
- Yasuhiro Mamiya as Knuckleduster
The staff for the anime includes:
- Director: Kenichi Suzuki
- Series Composition: Yosuke Kuroda
- Character Design: Takahiko Yoshida
- Music: Yuki Hayashi, Shogo Yamashiro, Yuki Furuhashi
- Art Director: Yukihiro Watanabe
- Color Design: Haruko Nobori
- Director of Photography: Yingying Zhang
- 3DCG Director: Mizuki Sasaki
- Sound Director: Masafumi Mima
- Editing: Kiyoshi Hirose
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The My Hero Academia: Vigilantes manga is based on Kohei Horikoshi’s work and was written by Hideyuki Furuhashi and drawn by Betten Court. It began serialization in Jump GIGA in 2018 before getting transferred to Shonen Jump+ and running until July 2022. A total of 126 chapters were released, which were compiled into 15 volumes. VIZ Media licensed the manga in English.
The story of My Hero Academia: Vigilantes manga takes place 5 years before the main story. VIZ describes the first volume: Koichi Haimawari couldn’t make the cut to become an official hero, so he uses his modest Quirk to do good deeds in his spare time. Then one day a fateful encounter with some local thugs leads him to team up with two other unlikely heroes. None of them really know what they’re doing, but they’ve got the courage—or foolishness—to try. But they soon discover fighting evil takes more than just being brave…
Source: TOHO Animation Official YouTube
©Hideyuki Furuhashi, Betten Court, Kohei Horikoshi/Shueisha, Vigilante Production Committee
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