It has been announced on Twitter, via the official account for the Evangelion franchise, that the premiere of the final Evangelion film got postponed. According to the information, it won’t happen on January 23, 2021. Firstly, they canceled the midnight screenings and now they are canceling the entire premiere. Those things are happening due to the new state of emergency in Japan. Said emergency was a result of the spread of new coronavirus disease. We don’t know the new premiere date for now. What’s more the CD release of Shiro Sagisu’s music from SHIN EVANGELION is also getting delayed.
You can see the Tweet about the postponement of the Evangelion film below:
What’s more, you can watch the trailer featuring the theme song for the final Evangelion movie below:
Even though the final Evangelion film got postponed, let’s hope that the film will premiere soon. There are tons of people waiting for it after all. Some artists would probably draw some fan art while waiting, but unfortunately, the new guidelines released back in December might make them scratch some of their drafts.
Source: Evangelion’s franchise official Twitter account
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