Home Spy x Family Anime Unveils Jacket Cover Visual for Original Soundtrack

Spy x Family Anime Unveils Jacket Cover Visual for Original Soundtrack

The currently airing second cour of the Spy x Family anime unveiled a jacket cover illustration for the upcoming original soundtrack, which is scheduled to be released on December 21, 2022. The product is available at the price of ¥3,630 (≒ $25) and compiles a set of two CDs with all 65 recorded tracks by (K)NoW_NAME. K)NoW_NAME was in charge of the music for the series and is a unit known for its work on Dorohedoro. The tracklist includes:

  1. STRIX
  2. The Forgers
  3. Crisis of my home
  4. Small Daily Life
  5. Ponder
  6. WISE
  7. Plan B
  8. transient calm
  9. Liar
  10. Twilight
  11. without tears
  12. Disguise
  13. teacups
  14. Thorn Princess
  15. Calling on
  16. Mother’s Cooking
  17. Delusion
  18. housework
  19. As a mother. As a wife.
  20. 子守唄
  21. Girl’s pastime
  22. SUBJECT 007
  23. Stella Stars
  24. Pitapat
  25. Bondman
  26. TBD
  27. Eden College
  28. Very Elegant
  29. Housemaster
  30. Cecile Hall
  31. Second Son
  32. Precocious
  33. sheep
  34. State Security Service
  35. Questioning
  36. snake in the grass
  37. woolly
  38. Guard dog
  39. Competitor
  40. jealousy
  41. forever and ever
  42. Handler
  43. Nightfall
  44. Berlint
  45. Gain wider knowledge
  46. Gorgeous step
  47. try again
  48. Looks like a nice family
  49. little by little
  50. sunset
  51. verge of a setback
  52. Elusive man
  53. No one knows
  54. Crack Down
  55. Front Line
  56. stroll
  57. Shoot-out
  58. Final points
  59. Strange Marriage
  60. Breeze
  61. GOOD DAY
  63. See you next week
  64. BAR
  65. Commence

The newly-released cover visual depicts all the Forger family members, Loid, Yor, Anya, and Bond with black sunglasses and in elegant black suits. Even Bond, the family dog, is wearing a bowtie.

Spy x Family Anime Original Soundtrack Cover Jacket

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The WIT STUDIO and CloverWorks’ collaborative anime Spy x Family based on Tatsuya Endo’s Shonen Jump+ manga of the same name began in April and ended its first cour on June 25 in Japan with the 12th episode. The second cour began broadcasting on October 1, and the manga surpassed 26.5 million circulating copies with the 10th volume’s release on October 4.

Source: Official Twitter, Official Website
© Tatsuya Endo, Shueisha / Spy x Family Project

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