The Apothecary Diaries has announced that a TV anime exhibition will be held at Matsuya Ginza from March 26 to April 14, 2025. Following the light novel’s exhibition last year, the upcoming exhibition aims to showcase the meticulous visual beauty of The Apothecary Diaries anime series, including 3D recreations of the famous scenes of the series, original drawings, storyboards, art settings, and other production materials.
An official website is scheduled to launch in February and the tour information will be released soon.
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The Apothecary Diaries is a Japanese light novel series written by Natsu Hyuga and illustrated by Toko Shino. The series is licensed by Shunfunotomo’s Hero Bunko, while the English versions are published by J-Novel Club and Square Enix.
It also received two manga adaptations: the manga series of the same name by Itsuki Nanao, illustrated by Nekokurage on Square Enix’s Monthly Big Gangan; and “Kusuriya no Hitorigoto: Maomao no Kokyu Nazotoki Techo (The Apothecary Diaries: The Palace Cloister Mystery-Solving Notebook of Maomao)” by Minoji Kurata on Shogakukan’s Monthly Sunday Gene-X.
TOHO Animation Studio and OML animated the first season of The Apothecary Diaries in 2023. The second season is airing this Winter 2025, with a total of 24 episodes. Crunchyroll describes the plot:
Maomao lived a peaceful life with her apothecary father. Until one day, she’s sold as a lowly servant to the emperor’s palace. But she wasn’t meant for a compliant life among royalty. So when imperial heirs fall ill, she decides to step in and find a cure! This catches the eye of Jinshi, a handsome palace official who promotes her. Now, she’s making a name for herself solving medical mysteries!
Source: The Apothecary Diaries Official Website
© Natsu Hyuga/Imagika Foss/”The Apothecary Diaries” Production Committee
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