Last week, Season 2 of TONIKAWA kicked off by re-introducing the characters and establishing where things stand with Nasa and Tsukasa’s marriage. This week’s episode, “On the Subject of Happiness,” is the first sign of new developments, as three very different figures show up in quick succession. It’s almost all exposition and build-up, so it’s not the meatiest installment of the show so far, but it does set up some new expectations and challenges for everyone in future episodes. And it also helps that one of the new characters is a cat.
“On the Subject of Happiness” is structured pretty deliberately, introducing the new cast members one at a time. The first part of the episode focuses on Nasa’s old middle school teacher Yanagi, who has been going through a rough time lately. Her students are struggling, she’s overwhelmingly busy, and when Taniguchi, another teacher, asks her out on a date, she uses her busyness as an excuse to turn him down. It’s a common character type, but a relatable one, even if you’re not a teacher. A chance encounter with Nasa at a convenience store finally takes her out of her daily grind, and she joins him and Tsukasa for dinner.
The dinner scene stands out for its balance of pleasant comedy and quiet, candid reflections on life and happiness, which is arguably where TONIKAWA is at its best. A big part of the humor here lies in the reversed character dynamics. Yanagi initially approaches it as a mature adult going to visit a young, inexperienced couple—a “background check,” as she calls it—but soon finds herself receiving advice rather than giving it. The experience of eating a home-cooked meal, slowing down, and enjoying the here-and-now rather than obsessively worrying about the future opens her up to a happier way of living. And it’s obvious she’s taken it to heart, too: as she walks home afterward, she calls Taniguchi and takes him up on his offer for a date. As a character introduction, this is effective, efficient, and genuinely charming, and it also clearly lays out Yanagi’s path for growth as the season unfolds. Nicely done.
Nasa’s cousin Ginga, the second new character in the episode, is admittedly a bit of a letdown compared to Yanagi in that he’s a one-note personality. The whole joke is that he’s an excellent high school student who looks and sounds like a yakuza, and when he’s describing everyday life, it sounds like he’s referring to criminal escapades. It makes for some funny moments, but nothing especially deep.
A more significant scene, though, is when Ginga asks Nasa and Tsukasa to kiss, just to prove their marriage is based on “true love.” This works a lot better because it speaks to the characters’ relationships to each other. For Ginga, it shows a real concern for his cousin underneath the “yakuza” exterior. And for Nasa and Tsukasa, it follows up on their contrasting attitudes towards public affection seen in the last episode. Nasa might be eager to showcase his love for Tsukasa to anyone in sight, so he gladly agrees to the kiss, but Tsukasa is still far more reserved. As a bonus, this scene also lets Kaname deliver the best line of the episode, as she asks, “How am I supposed to believe your love’s for real when I never hear any moaning at night?!” Oh, myyyy…
As it turns out, Ginga’s real reason for visiting is because he needs Nasa’s help taking care of a feral kitten he found, and this is when we meet “Toast,” who becomes the newest member of the family. Cute pets have always been an anime staple, so this isn’t exactly an original plot twist, but it works here specifically because it has major implications for Nasa and Tsukasa’s marriage. So far, they’ve been inching their way into a more “adult” relationship with things like eating together or cleaning their home. A pet, on the other hand, is a much more serious responsibility, as Nasa points out, so Toast presents a new challenge. And cat lovers will especially appreciate Toast’s contrasting attitudes towards his new owners, with Tsukasa being a cuddle buddy, and Nasa being reduced to a food dispenser and occasional scratching post.
“On the Subject of Happiness” throws a lot of new characters and developments into the mix, but at least it appears they will genuinely shake things up and have an impact on Nasa and Tsukasa’s marriage. The teaser for the next episode confirms Yanagi and Taniguchi are coming back, and the brief glimpse of Chitose and her maids suggests trouble ahead. The chessboard for TONIKAWA Season 2 is officially set up, and the pieces in place. Now, it’s just a matter of who will move first, what pieces will move where, and most importantly, will the cat knock over the board.
You can watch season 2 of TONIKAWA: Over the Moon for You on Crunchyroll, and vote for it in our weekly poll.
©Kenjiro Hata, Shogakukan / Tonikaku Kawaii Production Committee
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