Home Violet Evergarden The Movie Top 10 For Sold Tickets Every Week Since Premiere

Violet Evergarden The Movie Top 10 For Sold Tickets Every Week Since Premiere

The Violet Evergarden movie revenue is now over 1.84 billion yen after premiering on September 18 of this year. Titled “Violet Evergarden: The Movie”, it has sold nearly 1.3 million admission tickets and its revenue roughly equals to $17.6 million USD. That moved the Violet Evergarden movie up to the 7th place in the Top 10 weekend mobilization ranking. Although it’s not as trending as Demon Slayer, this number is still huge. It was also the the first new anime film (not compilation movies) to be converted to the HDR Dolby Vision. The film was re-released at seven Dolby Cinema locations in Japan starting on November 13, so that’s probably why it ranked higher than last week (10th). The visual for the movie:

This means that it has been within the Top 10 highest grossing films in Japan every week since its premiere. That’s 9 consecutive weeks! The TV Anime premiered in 2018, and the movie is yet to receive an international release. Kyoto Animation animated both, and you can also watch the trailer for the movie on their official YouTube channel:

They even released the first 10 minutes of the movie on the channel. (Unfortunately, there are no subtitles on the video.):

We can’t wait for the Violet Evergarden movie, and this many sold tickets just means that the Japanese fans loved it A LOT! Hopefully it gets overseas soon too and we can enjoy the sequel to the anime story!

Source: Kyoto Animation YouTube Channel, Official Violet Evergarden Website, Oricon

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