Voice Actor Nozuyama Yukihiro announced marriage with actress Kodama Moka on October 27, 2021 through his agency, Rush Style.
The statement says they met through their common friend, and further revealed both of them had attracted each other with their personalities. Besides, as they spent more and more time, they decided to share their life course.
Marriage Statement
To all of you who always support us
To the people involved
We are afraid that this is our personal topic, but allow us Nozuyama Yukihiro and Kodama Moka announce we have got married.We have met through our common friend. As we were spending time together, we found ourselves attracted with our personalities, and decided to walk together in life.
We will, as people and as artists, keep enhancing each other and working hard in the future as well.
We would appreciate your continued support and encouragement.
October 2021
Nozuyama Yukihiro
Kodama Moka
Nozuyama Yukihiro is a voice actor whose voice you might know as Arisugawa Teito (Hypnosis Mike series) and Hayashi Ryohei (Tokyo Revengers), among others. Meanwhile, Kodama Moka is the actress who acted as Jericho in Seven Deadly Sings the Stage in 2018 and so on.
We wish them happiness in their marriage and all the best in their career!
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Source: Official Twitter, Official Website
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©『ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle-』Rhyme Anima製作委員会
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