The preview images and teaser trailer for episode 39 of Yashahime have been released. The anime will resume on January 15, 2022, and we’ll be able to finally see more old faces.
You can watch the teaser video below:
You can also check out the preview images below:
The previous episode of the anime ended with Moroha meeting her parents. Funimation started streaming the series, which currently has 38 episodes, in Fall 2020 season.
Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon anime is the sequel to Rumiko Takahashi’s popular manga series, InuYasha. The first season aired in Fall 2020 to Winter 2021 anime season and it had a total of 24 episodes. Season 2 started in Fall 2021. Masakazu Hishida (Ensemble Stars) is currently directing the second season of the series, while Sunrise (InuYasha) is animating.
Half-demon twins Towa and Setsuna were once separated, but now the daughters of Sesshomaru have reunited and are joined by Moroha, the daughter of Inuyasha and Kagome. After a near-death defeat at the hands of Kirinmaru, the three are determined to become stronger than before. But as they discover their true potential, they’ll uncover the secrets hidden in their bloodline.
Source: Official Twitter and Official Website
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