A special event for the Your Lie in April anime has been announced for the 10th anniversary of its conclusion. The event is titled “Mixa Animation Diary: TV Anime Your Lie in April” and will be held on March 16, 2025 at Tokyo’s Theater Mixa, while international fans will be able to follow it via streaming.
it is organized as part of Kodansha’s “Mixa Animation Diary” initiative, a project aiming to highlight past and upcoming anime adaptations. The event will feature two performances (day and night) and reunite the voice cast from the anime. Attending will be Natsuki Hanae (voice of Arima Kosei), Risa Taneda (Miyazono Kaori), and Ryota Osaka (Watari Ryota).
There will also be live classical performances by violinist Ai Takamatsu and pianist Shota Kaya, who will recreate some of the musical pieces which were featured in the anime.
Ticket options include in-person attendance (via lottery sales) and worldwide streaming through ZAIKO. The first lottery for venue access runs until February 2, 2025, followed by a second round in mid-February and general sales starting on March 8. Streaming tickets will be available from January 24 to March 23, allowing international fans to participate. While the event will be live-streamed on March 16, it will be available for on-demand streaming until March 23.
The Your Lie in April anime, animated by A-1 Pictures, aired from October 2014 to March 2025. It adapted Naoshi Arakawa’s manga, which was serialized in Kodansha’s Monthly Shonen Magazine from 2011 to 2015. The story follows piano prodigy Arima Kosei, who rediscovers his passion for music through violinist Kaori Miyazono, blending themes of love, loss, and artistic rebirth.
Source: Comic Natalie
Naoshi Arakawa, Kodansha/Your Lie in April Committee
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