Home Deadpool Pays Homage to Chainsaw Man in New Series

Deadpool Pays Homage to Chainsaw Man in New Series

Ever wondered why superheroes win individual fights but never really win the war? It’s because they address crime’s aftermath, never its causes. That’s a hard thing to do, you need a true people person to understand the complexities of dealing with the root of crime. And no one embodies the regular Joe more than Deadpool. After all, he speaks like us, he works like us and more importantly, he watches anime like us. And like every kid who saw Dragon Ball or Naruto and immediately copied what they saw, Dead Pool does the same. In the recently released Deadpool #1 by Cody Ziglar and Roge Antonio, the foul-mouth superhero pulls a move straight out of Chainsaw Man by channeling his inner Aki Hayakawa and summoning his own version of a Fox Devil (via his daughter.)

And in a stunning nod to “the best flattery is imitation,” the comic almost perfectly recreated the infamous Kon scene in Chainsaw Man. And if the move enough wasn’t enough to confirm where the scene came from. Deadpool even asks his foe is he’s seen Chainsaw Man. And with that, we get confirmation that Deadpool may not be the hero people want, but he’s the hero they need.

One of the most popular releases of the last few years, Chainsaw Man follows the life and times of Denji. A lackluster existence is all he has to live as he tirelessly slays devils with the help of his own devil (Pochita) to pay off his massive inherited debts. But his debts and life are deemed less than the reward a new devil would bring, and he’s betrayed and killed by the same Yakuza he was working for to pay off his debts.

But unknown to him, the contract he agreed to with Ponchita allows the devil to merge with him after death and not only give him back his life. But also turns him into a hybrid, allowing him to take revenge on those who wronged him. But as his powers are deemed a threat he’s soon brought under the wing of a paranormal agency that allows him to live as long as he serves them. Currently consisting of 12 episodes, the show is streaming on Crunchyroll.

Source: Deadpool #1
©Tatsuki Fujimoto / Shueisha, MAPPA

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