The previously announced Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc. anime revealed three additional cast members during the Jump Festa 2024 event. Joining the series are voice actors Rikiya Koyama as Kouji Shigemoto, Daiki Yamashita as Kazuo Nikoyama, and Ryota Osaka as Midorikawa. The series is set to premiere in the Fall 2024 season.
Studio J.C. Staff and Moe are collaborating in animating the series. Masahiro Hiraoka is acting as director with Shingo Nagai supervising the series composition and Hidehiro Asama designing the characters. Makoto Miyazaki is in charge of composing the music. The previously announced main cast of Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc. includes Ai Fairouz as Kana Sakuragi and Yumiri Hanamori as Hitomi Koshigaya.
The anime is based on the manga series written by Sekka Iwata and illustrated by Yu Aoki. It was initially serialized on the Shonen Jump+ website and mobile app in October 2021. It currently has 10 volumes in circulation. The first volume of the series in English will be published by VIZ Media on March 19, 2024.
VIZ Media describes the plot of the manga as:
Kana Sakuragi is an excellent candidate for the job. Any job! She’s motivated and organized, and has a fantastic memory. So why has she interviewed at over 15 companies without receiving a single offer? She’s trying to keep a positive attitude, but it seems like her bad luck is only getting worse when a monster crashes her latest interview. As havoc ensues, she finds herself helping the magical girl who comes to their rescue and ends up with more than just her life in return. Meet the newest magical girl at Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc.!
Source: Official Website, Jump Festa ’24
© Sekka Iwata, Yu Aoki / SHUEISHA / “Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc.” Production Committee
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