Home Mieruko-chan Episode 9: Miko Finally Breaks Down

Mieruko-chan Episode 9: Miko Finally Breaks Down

Miko broke down in episode 9 of Mieruko-chan anime and we saw genuine tears, but also a genuine smile. Ignoring spirits and suppressing her emotions really took a toll on Miko and she finally felt like letting it all out.

Warning: This Section Might Contain Spoilers.

I’m sure some fans of Mieruko-chan anime, myself included, are really curious about the new character, Zen Toono. Well, he has been releasing a very dark aura since his first appearance in episode 2 of the anime, so Miko never let her guard down around him. In this episode, it seems that there’s a huge bad spirit following Zen and it told Miko “Don’t look” without any context. The ghost vanished and the next thing we saw is that Miko is already crying.

Crying Miko

It was not stated clearly, but to me, the ghost’s words were really meant for her. Maybe it knows that Miko can hear and see them because it vanished the moment it finished talking. This isn’t the only time Miko lets her guard down in this episode. There was also a scene where she reacts after suddenly seeing a ghost in front of her that was coming out of the toilet. This is the first time I saw Miko cry like that because of a really scary ghost.

Miko Can Scream

Hana, Miko, and Yuria end up going to a hunted house. Miko thought that maybe she could use the trip to strengthen her mental fortitude. She believed that it might lessen the chances of her reacting to some scary ghosts out there. However, the haunted house ends up being a therapeutic experience, as she can finally scream and let it all out, while still being in control. Seems like knowing that the “ghosts” in the house are actually human really helped her.

Screaming Miko

Yuria wondered why Miko was smiling whenever she shouted.I honestly didn’t expect to see this side of Miko’s personality.

Miko’s Emotions

While inside the hunted house, Miko, of course, encountered a real ghost. Unfortunately, she thought that it was just one of the employees. Good thing she realized it immediately even though she purposedly react to it even just a little. However, just as the three of them were about to leave the staff, led by the ghost, suddenly started chasing them. In that particular moment, Miko realized that she held back her emotions for so long, so maybe this time, it was okay to shout, which is what she always wanted to whenever she saw a ghost.

Shouting Miko

After finally telling them to get away from her, Miko looks relieved. It must be difficult to always keep up your emotions bottled up, even if you’re terrified and that’s exactly what she’s been doing. Especially in the previous episode, where you can easily tell that she doesn’t know how to deal with these spirits.

Episode 9 of Mieruko-chan ended with the “Godmother”, who appeared in episode 3, seeing a good ghost. It seems that the characters of this anime are starting to be connected with each event. If you are curious about what will happen next, episode 10 will air on December 5, 2021, and you can watch it on Funimation.

If you enjoyed seeing Miko showing a different side of her in episode 9 of Mieruko-chan, you can vote for the anime on our weekly poll.


A normal girl was living a normal life-until she wasn’t.
One day, she could see…everything. What’s a girl to do when hideous monsters appear no matter which way she turns?
And on top of that, nobody else can see them!Obviously, there’s only one thing that makes sense-ignore them.
Kinda hard to put theory into practice, though, whenthe ghosts know she’s watching…

Yen Press

Screenshots via Funimation

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