The Witcher: Sirens of The Deep animated movie revealed a short sneek peak trailer featuring Geralt and Jaskier, who are voiced by Doug Cockle and Joey Batey respectively. The movie will release on Netflix on February 11, 2025, which means it has been delayed from its initially-planned late 2024 premiere. Studio Mir is collaborationg with Platige Image and Hivemind on the production.
This is the second animated movie following The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf. The previous film was a spin-off focusing on Geralt’s mentor, Vesemir, while the new one will cover the A Little Sacrifice short story from the Sword of Destiny collection by Andrzej Sapkowski. Besides Doug Cockle and Joey Batey, the voice cast also includes Anya Chalotra as Yennefer of Vengerberg and Christina Wren as Essi Daven.
The movie previously released a teaser trailer:
The Witcher is a series of six fantasy novels and 15 short stories by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. The series revolves around Geralt of Rivia, the “witcher.” The franchise has received multiple adaptations, including a movie, two TV series (including The Witcher where Henry Cavill played Geralt before departing and being replaced by Liam Hemsworth), a video game series, and a series of comic books.
Source: Netflix on YouTube
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