All the relevant manga news. To include only articles that cover news related to manga, such as anime adaptations, new volume information, chapter delays, etc.
News under this category will always be verified and have the source at the bottom.
All the relevant manga news. To include only articles that cover news related to manga, such as anime adaptations, new volume information, chapter delays, etc.
News under this category will always be verified and have the source at the bottom.
My Dress-Up Darling manga has officially reached its end today, March 21, and the…
After almost five years, Shintaro and Towa's story ended as Studio Apartment, Good Lighting,…
Long-time Dragon Ball animator Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru revealed his expectation of a Dragon Ball remake…
Comic Natalie conducted a new interview with Black Lagoon manga creator Rei Hiroe, where…
AnimeJapan has announced the results of its annual "Manga We Want to See Animated…
The spy-action comedy manga Mission: Yozakura Family officially reached its conclusion with the release…
A new High School DxD manga got an April 9 release date, adapting the…
GACHIAKUTA manga dropped Chapter 129 on March 5 in Japan, featuring an "Absolute Cinema"…
The official website for Kohei Horikoshi's My Hero Academia Original Art Exhibition has been…