All the relevant manga news. To include only articles that cover news related to manga, such as anime adaptations, new volume information, chapter delays, etc.
News under this category will always be verified and have the source at the bottom.
All the relevant manga news. To include only articles that cover news related to manga, such as anime adaptations, new volume information, chapter delays, etc.
News under this category will always be verified and have the source at the bottom.
The official website for Kohei Horikoshi's My Hero Academia Original Art Exhibition has been…
RuriDragon released Volume 3 on March 4, and it was followed by a special…
NTT Solmare Corp's MangaPlaza, one of the largest digital manga platforms in the US,…
ONE PIECE released Volume 111 today in Japan, and a special manga trailer teasing…
The ONE PIECE BASE app has officially launched in English, bringing fans worldwide a…
It was revealed that Kohei Horikoshi's My Hero Academia manga series will return on…
My Dress-Up Darling manga will officially end with the next chapter, completing a serialization…
The fishing-themed manga Slow Loop will be going on hiatus as its creator, Maiko Uchino, focuses on breast cancer treatment.…