My Dress-Up Darling episode 3 is out and this time, Marin and Gojo go out shopping together! I think a lot of people can agree with me that Marin and Gojo have the cutest interactions with each other. It’s a whole lot of teasing for Gojo, but in this episode, I love that it actually shows more of Marin’s thoughtful side to the story. What’s an anime rom-com without a confession on a bridge, right?
When Gojo becomes shy by the fact that the “cool and popular” girl notices him, it reminded me of Sawako Kuronoma’s (From Me To You) honest nature of not wanting to be a bother. As an introvert, I strongly get it, but now that I’m older, I can’t help but feel awful about it. Not only is this self-sabotaging, but it also hurts the other person. It’s a good thing that Marin, ever outgoing, communicates that they’re not strangers. The drama doesn’t prolong and I absolutely appreciate it.
I have no clue about sewing, but their shopping process was really exciting and fun to watch. From breaking down the parts of the dress, buying efficient materials, to picking the wigs by the subtle character details. We also get to see Gojo’s expert knowledge appreciated, as well as Marin’s determination to spend money. Honestly, I am jealous of these awesome shops that bring so much joy.
Their bonding out today is absolutely special. This is definitely the charm of My Dress-Up Darling episode 3, especially with its subtle but memorable moments in between. From Gojo’s naughty dream, Marin’s tease about dating, the lingerie peeks (which was naturally cuter than it was sexual), shocking the people at the ramen restaurant, their meaning of beauty, and to the meat rolls. I really love how simple, smart, fun, and mature this anime is going. Plus, the music and lighting in this episode are both especially nice.
At the end of My Dress-Up Darling episode 3, Marin conveys her appreciation for him. The cosplay really means a lot to her, and being around Gojo allows her to be her authentic self. It’s the kind of person you want to be around — the kind that makes you be better and feel good about yourself. It’s not just the shy Gojo catapulted into this action, but also the outgoing Marin as well.
The writing of their well-rounded personalities is so lovable. If you think about it, that’s exactly what makes these characters absolutely best boy/girl material! I am genuinely enjoying the anime so far, and I cannot wait for next week.
My Dress-Up Darling episode 4 will air on Saturday, January 29, at 24:00 JST. The English subtitled versions will also be available later on Crunchyroll, Funimation, and Bilibili in select regions. If you enjoy watching the anime, don’t forget to vote in our weekly polls.
Images via Bilibili
©福田晋一/SQUARE ENIX·「着せ恋」製作委員会
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