On June 15, 2021, Sunrise announced a new anime series under the Gundam universe titled Gundam Breaker Battlogue. In addition to the anime series, a new Gunpla merchandise and the video game were revealed.
The series will premiere this Fall 2021 and viewers residing within Japan can watch it on the Gundam YouTube Channel. Meanwhile, viewers outside Japan can support the series on Gundam’s official website here.
Masami Obari will be directing the series with Sunrise in charge of the animation production. Moreover, mechanical designers on the project will include Kunio Okawara, Kanetake Ebikawa, Kyōtarō Andō, Kyoryu Kuramo, Kyoshi Takigawa, and Naohiro Washio.
Gundam Breaker
Gundam Breaker is a game series that will allow players to take real-life Gundam model kits and use parts from the kits to create their own unique mobile suit. Additionally, players can then use their personalized mobile suit to battle other players or participate in co-op.
Bandai Namco Entertainment released the first game in October 2013 for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita. Gundam Breaker 2 followed its release in December 2014 for the PS3 and PS Vita. The Gundam Breaker 3 game launched in Japan on the PS4 and PS Vita in March 2016. Moreover, it was released in Southeast Asia in English in April 2016.
Finally, the new Gundam Breaker game will launch worldwide in June 2018 and will be available to play on PlayStation 4 and later for PC.
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Source: Gundam Breaker Battlogue Official Website
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