Home Nisio Isin's Shinomonogatari Revealed New Cover Art and Release Date

Nisio Isin's Shinomonogatari Revealed New Cover Art and Release Date

Nisio Isin just revealed more information about his latest work, Shinomonogatari. The official Twitter account has revealed two new cover arts for the two-part series. They also revealed that Shinomonogatari will go on sale on August 19, 2021, in Japan.

The two new latest covers feature Shinobu Oshino and Nadeko Sengoku. Also, the cover arts are drawn by VOFAN. Furthermore, this will conclude Monogatari’s Monster Season and will act as the last and final story for the Monster Season. So far, Nisio Isin hasn’t revealed if he will continue the Monogatari series after Shinomonogatari.

Shinomonogatari Part 1
Shinomonogatari Part 2

Additionally, the upcoming Shinomonogatari will be the 22nd part of the Monogatari series novels. It will comprise of two volumes, volume 27 and volume 28. They will contain the Deathtopia Destiny, Deathtopia Destination, and Deathtopia Death Education story arcs.

In case you didn’t know, Nisio Isin debuted as an author with the “Zaregoto Series” back on February 25, 2002. What’s more, in 2006, he released the very first volume of the Monogatari Series, Bakemonogatari (Monster Tale). You can also read our featured biography of Nisio Isin here.

To know more about Nisio Isin and Monogatari you can visit their official websites.

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Source: Nisio Isin’s Official Twitter

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