ONE PIECE released episode 1028 this Sunday, and we are finally seeing Luffy evolve into a version that might be able to stand up to a Yonko! The episode began Big Mom creating a new thunder cloud, giving Prometheus the girlfriend he asked for. We also get to witness the scene of her taking part of her soul and creating the new ally, after which she launched an attack on Kid and Killer. She sends them flying inside the castle, and we get to see a short Usopp and Nami moment, who are running away from Page One together with Tama.
Big Mom follows Kid and Killer despite not knowing exactly where they crashed. She’s determined to have her revenge on Kid, while the Supernova captain is determined not to let her regroup with Kaido. The two head to confront her when Basil Hawkins interrupts them. Kid is mad at him for the betrayal and ready to fight, but Killer here shows his No. 2 reliability. He decides to face Hawkins alone, while Kid heads to Big Mom. While Hawkins gives him a 92% chance of dying, their fight is sure to be interesting, considering the devil fruit Hawkins has.
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After this, the episode went back to Luffy, who just rose again and told Kaido they would never join him. He thinks back to what Hyogoro taught him about Haki, and also realizes Kaido was imbuing his attacks with Counqueror’s Haki. Kaido mocks him, thinking that the knowledge can’t help him, but we then see him proved wrong in an incredibly animated sequence. Luffy’s ascendance to a higher power level is shown symbolically, and he then manages to block Kaido’s attack filled with Conqueror’s Haki attack. In an incredible sequence, Luffy manages to damage the Yonko without touching him, and it seems like he’s now ready to continue the fight 1v1. He tells Law and Zoro to go downstairs and let everyone know that he’ll win at any cost, and we get his trademark smile for the end.
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Starting next week with episode 1029, we will be getting 2 ONE PIECE FILM RED prequel episodes focusing on the young Luffy, Uta, Shanks and the Red Hair Pirates. The title of episode 1029 is “A Faint Memory! Luffy and Red-Haired’s Daughter Uta!” and it will premiere next Sunday on August 14. The ONE PIECE manga will release chapter 1056 today, after which Shonen Jump will be on a break for 1 week. You can watch episode 1028 of ONE PIECE on Crunchyroll, and you can catch up to the latest manga chapter for free on either VIZ website or MANGA Plus.
Images via Crunchyroll
©Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha/ Fuji Television Network/ Toei Animation
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