Home Orb: On the Movements of the Earth Episode 4 Review

Orb: On the Movements of the Earth Episode 4 Review

Orb: On the Movements of the Earth episode 4 aired on Saturday and with that comes a new set of characters as we move on from Rafal. While Oczy and Gras don’t present the same feeling that Rafal did as a main character, we still have room to grow with them.

This episode dove into the wonders of Mars’ retrograde and how the two came upon Rafal’s research that he left behind after his passing. Do I miss Rafal? Absolutely. But thrills and beautiful landscape shots didn’t stop in this episode nor do I think they ever will.

Oczy’s Room For Growth

As we can tell from the new opening, Oczy is now the “next” main character for the series but it almost felt like Gras was the new guy in a way. However, the opening scene of the episode with Oczy talking to the priest was impactful. It was one where you could understand how someone of that time might believe in those ideals.

Going from someone who saw the beauty in it all just for it to be torn down by reality and doctrine was wonderfully portrayed. It’s no wonder that Oczy sort of lost his mind in front of Gras. But his curiosity about the cosmos is what I think will make Oczy a fighter of heliocentrism.

Unlike Rafal, Oczy is going to have to grow on me a bit more. That’s not to say he won’t but I figured among the group of “main characters” we’ll see in Orb, I was bound to favor one over another. However, I’m curious to see what Oczy is going to do going forward. He was amazed by the stars but never put it into practice like we saw with Gras.

What I do love about Oczy’s character is that, unlike Rafal, he’s very skilled with a sword. He presents a character that could possibly take on Novak in a fight himself and that’s huge for a line of characters who ultimately couldn’t defend themselves. Outside of that, I’ll need to see more of Oczy going forward.

Gras’ Devastating Discovery

Gras and his research undoubtedly took the rightful spotlight in this episode. When he finally discovered Mars’ retrograde but didn’t realize it, I wanted to leap into the series myself and tell him to keep going, how it wasn’t the end of his research, and that he was on the right track.

But that’s the beauty of this series. The scene made me think of how many people throughout history may have been just like him when their observations are thrown right out the window with just a slight change and how devastating that could be.

His enthusiasm was infectious and I loved that about his character. Yet, he reveled in his own ignorance. Rafal did at first with his observations and geocentric beliefs, but then he came around to figuring out that heliocentrism is correct thanks to Hubert. I wonder if Gras will have that same feeling after finding Rafal’s research.

Mars’ retrograde was successfully proven by the Heliocentric Model but it was first observed by Egyptians in the 2nd millennium BC. Given that Gras is new to star gazing and research, it was only natural for him not to know about any of this despite there being records of it all at this time in the 15th century.

But the noble Oczy and Gras met at the bar hinting at his own knowledge of heliocentrism is intriguing. Was it because he was a noble that he had knowledge of discoveries surrounding Mars? Or was it because he was also a believer in the heliocentric model?

It’s very odd when we connect that scene to the one that follows later with Oczy and Gras. Receiving an odd job to transport a heretic who also believes in heliocentrism and pointing them in the direction of Rafal’s research was all too coincidental.

But the irony of Gras and everything surrounding his research is wonderfully written. He has this attitude of giving up after finding out he’s completely wrong only to be given that chance of stumbling upon something that could prove why he was wrong. It’s one thing to find out you’re wrong and not know why (Gras’ case), but it’s another to find out you’re wrong and understand why (Rafal’s case).

Orb: On the Movements of the Earth Predictions

I’ll outright say it—I think Gras is going to be the next one to die. Given that he was already on the brink of ending his own life, became a fanatic of stargazing, and is now stumbling upon Rafal’s research, I think Novak is going to be his next target.

Oczy is a lot more discreet with his beliefs and we see him in the opening with who looks to be the next character in line with the story, with Gras nowhere to be found. But I think it’ll be a heroic death similar to Rafal’s. He’ll risk his own life for the sake of Oczy to live on and continue to pass down the knowledge.

Orb: On the Movements of the Earth Episode 4 Wrap-Up

Orb on the Movements of the Earth episode 4 was a seamless transition to the next group of characters. The way it kind of slightly goes back in time to show how Oczy and Gras find Rafal’s research was brilliant. It’s a different writing style from what so many anime fans are used to in the best ways possible. I can’t wait to see what’s next!

Episode 4 rating: 8.5/10
Episode 3 rating: 10/10
Episode 2 rating: 9.5/10
Episode 1 rating: 10/10

If you enjoyed episode 4 of Orb: On the Movements of the Earth then be sure to vote for it in our weekly poll! Episode 5 of Orb: On the Movements of the Earth will be released on Saturday, October 26. Netflix is streaming Orb: On the Movements of the Earth worldwide with English subtitles.

Screenshots via Netflix
©️ Uoto / Shogakukan / “Orb: On the Movements of the Earth” Production Committee

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