Home Two Shojo Anime Adaptations You Should Be Excited About in 2024

Two Shojo Anime Adaptations You Should Be Excited About in 2024

As a college student who reads a bunch of shojo manga during late nights, I’ve been feeling the need to recommend two amazing series that are receiving anime adaptations in 2024. Both titles are well-known in the community and happen to be my top favorites as well: A Sign of Affection and A Condition Called Love. I want to share why you should be excited about these upcoming anime adaptations, especially if you haven’t explored the manga yet. You’re in for a treat!

Lately, there haven’t been a lot of wholesome shojo anime that can make your heart flutter. However, in the coming year, shojo will shine again, and in this article, I’ll be discussing a brief summary of two manga that will be adapted into anime. I’ll also delve into the reasons why you should be excited about these two shows and what to expect. Both of them have wholesome storylines and excellent character development that are sure to satisfy your anime cravings.

After watching these anime, you might find yourself compelled to read the manga to continue and fully understand the characters’ love stories. Get ready for an emotional and heartwarming journey with A Condition Called Love and A Sign of Affection. 

A Sign of Affection by Suu Morishita

Synopsis: Yuki, who’s always been deaf, is used to communicating with sign language and her phone. But she’s not used to English, so when a tourist from overseas asks for directions, she nearly panics…until a handsome stranger steps in to help. His name is Itsuomi, and it turns out he’s a friend of a friend. A charismatic globetrotter, Itsuomi speaks three languages, but he’s never had a deaf friend. The two feel drawn to each other and plan a date on a romantic winter’s night…but Yuki’s friend is afraid that she might be setting herself up to get hurt. Could this be something real? Or will these feelings melt away with the snow? (Kodansha US)

A Sign of Affection Trailer

Why You Should Be Excited and What to Expect

A Sign of Affection is one of the most talked-about shojo manga that will premiere on January 6, 2024. It’s entirely understandable, given its irresistibly cute nature and the endearing interactions between the characters. What sets this story apart is the central theme involving the female lead, Yuki, who is deaf. It’s uncommon to find manga that explore personal disabilities. This one stands out by showcasing how people can learn from one another, fostering understanding and the ability to be together.

Despite the initial communication challenges, with significant barriers to overcome, the narrative beautifully illustrates that there’s always a way for someone to try their very best to understand and connect with others. In this case, the male lead, Itsuomi, goes above and beyond by earnestly trying to comprehend and teach himself sign language. It’s genuinely heartwarming to witness someone make such efforts to learn various ways to communicate with different people.

The story’s charm stems from its simple yet impactful first interaction between the characters, which serves as the foundation for a beautiful relationship that develops throughout the narrative. What you can expect from the story is a journey of learning new things from one another and mutually breaking down boundaries. The narrative emphasizes that, with dedication and determination, overcoming challenges in communication is not as difficult as it may seem initially. This resonates well with the overarching theme of their evolving relationship.

The manga A Sign of Affection is still ongoing and currently has 7 volumes (28 chapters) officially translated into English. 
Read more bit about A Sign of Affection anime adaptation.

A Condition Called Love by Moe Morino

Why You Should Be Excited and What to Expect

Synopsis: Hotaru is a 16-year-old high school first-year who has always been ambivalent about love, preferring instead to have a lively life with her family and friends. So when she sees her schoolmate, Hananoi-kun, sitting in the snow after a messy, public breakup, she thinks nothing of offering to share her umbrella. But when he asks her out in the middle of her classroom the next day, she can’t help but feel that her life is about to change in a big way… (Kodansha US)

A Condition Called Love will air in the spring of 2024. The story revolves around navigating love in high school, with two individuals harboring distinct perspectives on it and attempting to comprehend it together, even though they’ve recently crossed paths. So, if you’re in search of an anime that explores character development, this story is a compelling example of how love can profoundly change individuals for the better. It realistically portrays the ups and downs of love, providing a nuanced perspective on the subject. For those interested in delving into the intricacies of love and forming an emotional connection with a storyline, this anime will likely resonate with you. No trailer has been released yet.

A Condition Called Love truly captures the idea of how people perceive plain-looking girls, suggesting that they might not be the type of individuals one should date due to not meeting certain standards of attractiveness. The narrative challenges the notion that one should dismiss others based on appearance, especially when it comes to dating. The inclusion of one of the popular guys dating a so-called plain girl effectively illustrates this aspect of reality.

Both characters, with their unique perspectives on love, work together to comprehend its complexities. They collaborate to piece together the puzzle of love, emphasizing its importance in life. Initially, the male lead, Hananoi-kun, may come across as a bit overwhelming, but, as the saying goes, “trust the process.” Throughout the stories, you witness his personal growth within the relationship. While he retains a tad of his initial quirks, the transformation is evident. Their journey highlights how they have positively influenced each other, though it occasionally evokes a sense of loneliness.

The manga A Condition Called Love has 13 volumes (53 chapters) officially translated into English. The final arc concludes in Volume 14, which has not yet been translated into English.
Read more bit about A Condition Called Love anime adaptation.

Thank you for reading my article, and I hope you feel as excited as I do about these mangas that will be animated in 2024!

© Suu Morishita, Kodansha/A Sign of Affection Production Committee

© Megumi Morino/ Kodansha/ A Condition Called Love Production Committee

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