Home Banished From Hero's Party Finale: The Moment We Waited For

Banished From Hero's Party Finale: The Moment We Waited For

We saw a very wholesome ending in the finale of Banished From Hero’s Party. Ruti and Theodora both came to conclusion on what should be done in their difficult situation. The hero’s party sent Ares to his final resting place, and Rit and Red returned to their apothecary.

Warning: This Section Might Contain Spoilers.

Ruti’s Rampage

The episode started with Ruti attacking Red because of the impulses given to her by the holy sword of the first hero. In the previous episode, Shisandan mentioned that Ruti only needs to touch those relics, and the power of the first will surely overwhelm her. It means that Ruti will come back to being a hero again. However, what she displayed at the beginning of the episode was just a rampage, attacking Red even though he is her brother. The reason behind this unfortunate event is that the hero’s blessing itself is trying to get rid of the people who prevented Ruti from fulfilling her role as the hero. Red, Tisse, and Rit are guilty of this, but it is what Ruti wants. It wasn’t really explained in the anime, so I’ll explain it here.

Red, trying to stop Ruti

For you to further understand what I said above, here’s what was not shown in the anime. Godwin thought that the side effects of the Devil’s Blessing medicine were finally manifesting in Ruti’s body. However, Red was aware that Ruti was resistant to such effects because of her hero’s blessing. He concluded that Ruti must be possessed by something and he noticed that the sword Ruti was holding was different. At that particular moment, Red was certain that it was the reason behind Ruti’s rampage.

The anime did a good job of emphasizing that Red already knew what was wrong with Ruti. Since Red is the strongest swordsman in the world aside from the hero, he knew how different kinds of blades work and how Ruti fights. His wisdom served as the key to stopping Ruti and bringing her back to normal.

Rit and Red’s Moment

In episode 8 of Banished From Hero’s Party, Rit and Red almost had a love scene but they stopped midway because of Al. This time, they were alone in their house and couldn’t hold back. I’d say that they adapted this scene perfectly from the light novel because they didn’t cut anything. The description of Rit and Red’s actions in the LN was the same in the anime. They didn’t explicitly show it, but they clearly implied that the two took a step further in their relationship.

Rit and Red’s Kiss

The light novel also didn’t include the details of this particular moment. So if there are people who are sad because they didn’t see Rit and Red’s wholesome activity, take note that the source material itself doesn’t have it either.

Differing Paths

The final part of the episode started with Ruti coming to Gideon, wearing normal clothes. This is actually a huge feat in her life because it is the first time she wore one since becoming a hero. The two took their time together to walk around Zoltan’s streets. Their battle against Shisandan and Ares is finally over. This is also a new start for Ruti because she acquired a new blessing thanks to the Devil’s Blessing medicine, which suppresses her hero’s blessing. As of now, she helps Rit and Red in their apothecary whenever she has time. She is also living as a B-rank adventurer in Zoltan.

Ruti and Red having a quality time

In this part of the episode, the opening song played as background music and we could feel that the series is ending. While it’s playing, the anime shows the lives of different people around Rit and Red. Tisse stays with Ruti as her friend and Danan chose to stay in Zoltan for a while. Al’s party is still complete and currently continuing their adventure. Gonze is still having competition inside a sauna. Dr. Newman and the weapon seller’s business is striving. Godwin finally left Zoltan to start a new life. If you are wondering what happened to Theodora and Albert, the anime didn’t include it but they set off to continue the hero’s journey.

Ending and Other Details

Banished From Hero’s Party finale ended with Yarandrala meeting Godwin, finding out that Gideon and Rit are living together in Zoltan.

Banished From Hero’s Party finale ending scene

Does Yarandrala’s arrival in Zoltan spell a new difficulty in Rit and Red’s slow life? If you are also curious, you can read the 5th volume of the anime’s light novel.

The official Twitter account of Kadokawa Sneaker Bunko also tweeted about where you should start reading the light novel after the ending of the series.

Kadokawa Sneaker Bunko’s tweet regarding the continuation of the anime in the light novel


A heroic and mighty adventurer dreams of…opening a pharmacy?
Red was once a member of the Hero’s party, a powerful group destined to save the world from the evil forces of Taraxon, the Raging Demon Lord. That is, until one of his comrades kicked him out. Hoping to live the easy life on the frontier, Red’s new goal is to open an apothecary. However, keeping the secret of his former life may not be as simple as he thinks. Especially when the beautiful Rit, an adventurer from his past, shows up and asks to move in with him!

Yen Press

Screenshots via Funimation
©2021 ざっぽん/KADOKAWA/真の仲間製作委員会

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