Home Delicious in Dungeon Episode 16 - Life Trumps Taboos

Delicious in Dungeon Episode 16 - Life Trumps Taboos

Delicious in Dungeon episode 16 gave us more than just a long-awaited reunion — it made us realize how deep in the gutter the main party is. As Laios and company manage to leave the dungeon’s fifth floor, we get to know a little more about dungeon dynamics and repairs. They settle down to enjoy a much-needed, deserved meal and one has to wonder how they keep the meat from spoiling. By the looks of it, it’s neither cured nor salted, so smoked would be the way to go, but it still looks a bit too fresh for that. Either way, just as we’re finally enjoying some foodie moments, the party comes crashing down as Shuro’s ninja brigade accidentally attacks the Delicious in Dungeon party, mistaking them for monsters in disguise. Thankfully, Shuro intervenes before a fight breaks out.

Shuro’s Back!

Looking significantly worse for wear, Shuro seems to be at the end of his rope. But worrying day and night over your crush’s life will do that to pretty much anyone. And while Laios is as happy as a politician getting a bribe, the rest of the people in the room don’t seem to share that joy. Marcille and Chilchuck instantly realize how bad of shape Shuro is in, along with his party and Kabru’s party who aren’t too keen on the main group.

Shuro apologizes for leaving the party by saying it seemed to be the safest option. With the help of his retainers, it was easy to think he’d have an upper hand. But the reality of life is that strength is over-hyped. Adaptability gets you farther than muscles and intelligence combined. When hearing that they not only managed to slay the Red Dragon but briefly managed to save Falin, Shuro collapses from relief and shock.

Ever wondered why you get sick when you relax or vent about a really stressful situation? Your hormones are to blame. When stressed, cortisol rises, and prolonged high levels of cortisol affect your immune system. When the cortisol levels drop, so do the other hormones in your body that are keeping you afloat. And a battered immune system is the only thing left functioning, so any little bug can nail you at that point.

An Uncomfortable Truth

Consider the morality of a taboo for a moment, which taboo doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you’re not supposed to do it. Now, imagine that a dear friend or family member will meet their end if you don’t do it. What would you do? Backed into that corner, most people would trample over any social norms to keep their loved ones safe. For example, cannibalism. Of all the things we’re not supposed to do, that’s one of the biggest.

Yet, in extreme survival situations, it happens. But even that is not a steadfast taboo, several cultures (past and present) practice cannibalism for a myriad of reasons ranging from honoring ancestors to war practices. In nature, hundreds of species engage in the act. So obviously, to the true designer of the grand plan (nature) that’s not something that’s off the table. And if something that can lead to survival isn’t immediately vetoed, then it’s just another option to try. And the more desperate someone is, the more likely they are to do it.

As the conversation about Falin’s whereabouts continues, Laios asks for some privacy with Shuro and reveals that she was brought back by using black magic. Shuro reacted to that little tidbit of information like a homophobe reacts to a pride parade, all reprehension, no celebration. Black magic, as he explains, is a serious crime, and anyone dealing with it is swiftly and harshly prosecuted. Shuro is so angered by this that he even draws his blade at Laios, who in turn makes him an accomplice by letting him know he needs to stay quiet about it.

And at this point one has to ask, is morality more important than a life? Why is Shuro so taken aback by it? Obviously, he has been so relentless in his pursuit of Falin that he’s run himself ragged. He’s going on little sleep, little food, and is willing to fight against a dragon that could easily have dealt him his end. Likewise, resurrection in and of itself seems to have no issues associated with it, and technically, Falin is back. And if he’s willing to risk so much, shouldn’t he be happy that he no longer has to go that far? Are the words chanted to get someone back that important? Either way, both light and black magic are upending the natural order as Senshi always points out.

Taking a step back to really grind over the scene shows that Shuro’s avulsion to what he heard doesn’t quite add up. If he so firmly believes in doing things “the right way”, why is he so self-destructive in his pursuit of Falin? He knows that they lost the last fight against the Red Dragon due to hunger and exhaustion. And now that he’s far from mentally stable and even more ragged, that dragon has an even bigger advantage, to the point where his rescue mission can be considered a suicide mission.

Yet, despite seemingly paying no attention to that taboo, he’s more than capable of berating Laois and his former party. But, this may not be so cleanly cut. It could be that a big part of his repulsion isn’t at his former party, but rather himself. In his mind, he was moving mountains to get to Falin. But, while he was recruiting the best people he could find, Laios and the others were trudging through the muck by any means necessary. Their sacrifices were ones of love, his ones were ones of affection. And seeing how far they’d go in comparison to him, may just have been too much of a low blow.

Delicious in Dungeon Episode 16 – Wrap Up

As Delicious in Dungeon episode 16 concludes, we see what is easily the most disturbing scene of the show so far. Falin, as it turns out, is still quite close to where everyone else is. But in a true FMB gut punch, she’s now a chimeric monster with feathers and dragon scales.

Here’s where conjecture comes in, the Red Dragon was a pawn of the Lunatic Magician, either through cross-contamination or the fact that the dragon’s flesh was used to revive Falin. Part of the dragon is in her. When the Lunatic Magician took Falin, he was taking just the dragon, hence why he could transform it. So, how much of Falin is still Falin? That’s a pretty messed up train of thought, but if all we are is meat and consciousness, and we’re separated for a decent amount of time from both those things and we get to come back, is it actually us that comes back?

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Screenshots via Netflix
© Ryoko Kui, KADOKAWA/Delicious in Dungeon PARTNERS

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