After five years of serialization, the Dr. Stone manga has officially ended with chapter 232 in Weekly Shonen Jump Magazine Issue #14. Written by Riichiro Inagaki and illustrated by Boichi, Dr. Stone was first published five years ago on this exact date of March 6. The series received a cover page and a lead color page in WSJ Magazine Issue #13—a week before its final chapter release.
In its five-year run, Dr. Stone saw its fair share of success. Since being serialized, the series has received 16 cover pages in Weekly Shonen Jump, 26 manga volumes, 12 million copies of the manga in circulation, and an anime adaptation.
Volume 25 of the manga was released in Japan on March 4. Meanwhile, Volume 26 will officially release on July 4. The Dr. Stone anime was first announced in the 51st issue of Weekly Shonen Jump back in November 2019. Since then, the anime has become increasingly popular and will also be receiving a third season in 2023. The anime will also have a Ryusui special this summer along with a special manga chapter.
What seems to be another popular series coming to an end, Dr. Stone started its final arc in 2021 much like the recently ended Fire Force manga. This is just the beginning of many popular manga we’ve come to know and love coming that will soon be coming to an end. My Hero Academia and One Piece are both said to be in their final stages. And Tokyo Revengers is currently on its final arc whereas Jujutsu Kaisen will also be officially ending soon.
As Dr. Stone officially ends with chapter 232, many fans of the series will have to wait patiently for the next big-time sci-fi shonen manga to be serialized. The newly released manga, Earthchild, is now the only sci-fi series in Weekly Shonen Jump and has two chapters published as of today.
Source: Weekly Shonen Jump
©Riichiro Inagaki, Boichi / Shueisha
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