It was announced that the ONE PIECE anime will get a new opening on January 9. The Japanese rock band I Don’t Like Mondays will perform the song, and its title is “PAINT”. This will be the show’s 24th opening theme song. You can check out one of their songs, as well as their entire YouTube channel, below:
The current ONE PIECE theme song ‘DREAMIN’ ON’ by Da-iCE was first used in episode 935 on August 2, 2020. It was then used in 69 episodes, every one besides the milestone 1000, which had a new reanimated version of the “We Are” opening.
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We’re sure that ONE PIECE will get another banger opening theme song for its 24th OP with “PAINT” by I Don’t Like Mondays, and it’ll be used for some of the most hyped moments of the story so far!
ONE PIECE episode 1005 will release on January 9 on both Funimation and Crunchyroll, and its title is “The Power of Ice Oni! A New Version of the Plague Rounds!” You can catch up to the latest One Piece manga chapter for free on either VIZ website or MANGA Plus.
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Source: I Don’t Like Mondays Twitter
©Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha/ Fuji Television Network/ Toei Animation
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